Resources and Policies
At the Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP), we provide our applicants and grantees with the tools and support they need. This page includes useful information, policies and tools to help you develop and implement your projects. Current grantees should contact their program officer with further questions.
Grant Administration
The Wisconsin Partnership Program issues requests for partnership/proposals for both the community and faculty competitive grant programs. Interested applicants should review the Community Grants and/or the Faculty Grants pages.
Grant applications undergo a multistep review that may include Wisconsin Partnership Program staff members, university faculty and staff, and representatives from state and local agencies, and non-profit organizations. The process includes:
- Technical review verifying eligibility and compliance with proposal requirements
- Expert review consisting of independent assessment and scoring
- Full committee review of top-ranked proposals and interview of applicants as applicable
Grant recipients receive a team orientation and agree to a memorandum of understanding that outlines grant requirements such as progress reports, financial reports and a final report.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
The Wisconsin Partnership Program aligns with the inclusive excellence and equal opportunity practices of the UW System Board of Regents and UW–Madison.
A commitment to diversity and inclusion is integral to the Wisconsin Partnership Program’s mission to serve the public health needs of Wisconsin and to reduce health disparities and advance health equity through community partnerships, education and research. This policy ensures that broad perspectives are represented within WPP’s goals, strategies and processes as the program advances this mission in communities across Wisconsin.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
Learning and Events
The Wisconsin Partnership Program offers virtual and in-person learning events throughout the year. Join us, meet the WPP team and learn about WPP funding opportunities.
Upcoming activities and events
Supplanting Policy
Supplanting means to replace, to take the place of, or to supersede. The Wisconsin Partnership Program prohibits any funds from being awarded that will supplant funds or resources otherwise available to applicants from other sources for the proposed project.
Wisconsin Partnership Program Resources
Other Policies for Grantees
- Allowable and Unallowable Grant Expenses Policy
- Audited Financial Statements Policy
- Award Closeout Policy and Procedures
- Carryover Policy
- Communication Guidelines for Grantees
- Cost Principles Policy
- Cost Transfer/Accounting Adjustments Policy
- Draft Example Memorandum of Understanding OAC Grants
- Draft Example Memorandum of Understanding PERC Grants
- Financial Records Retention by Grantees
- Grant Budget Revision Policy
- Guidelines on Payments to Individuals
- Lobbying and Advocacy Policy
- No Cost Extension Policy
- Overdraft Policy
- PERC Grant Recipient Intellectual Property Agreement for Personnel
- Review of Grantee Annual Progress and Final Reports Policy
- Scope of Work Change Policy
- Termination and Suspension Policy
Evaluation Support
Evaluation is the systematic process by which a project is reviewed for progress, success and areas of improvement. The Wisconsin Partnership Program asks grantees to evaluate the work they do and provides resources in service of this request.
Evaluation Coaching and Resources
The following opportunities are routinely offered by experienced and knowledgeable Wisconsin Partnership Program evaluation staff:
- One-on-one evaluation support. At any time, our grant recipients may request a meeting to get help with evaluation questions or concerns.
- Evaluation protocol review. Grant recipients looking for another expert set of eyes to review their data collection plans, survey instruments or similar can request the assistance of Wisconsin Partnership Program evaluation staff.
For more information, please contact Wisconsin Partnership Program evaluator Lindsay Barone, PhD at
Current grantees and applicants can schedule a meeting with the WPP evaluator on to discuss evaluation questions. Other questions related to WPP grant programs should be directed to WPP’s program officers.
Supporting Community Grant Recipients
How does the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health support projects and organizations that the Wisconsin Partnership Program funds through its community grants program?
The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, through the Wisconsin Partnership Program, provides administrative support to the Wisconsin Partnership Program Oversight and Advisory Committee (OAC), a nine-member panel including representatives from urban and rural areas, the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, and the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. The OAC is responsible for directing and approving funds for public health initiatives (community grants).
Wisconsin Partnership Program staff and leadership are actively involved and provide a high level of support to community grant recipients. WPP provides support and engagement through a range of activities and interactions such as:
- Capacity-building and convening activities
- Mentorship in evaluation
- Regular contact with grantees to provide support and answer questions
- Review of progress reports and preparation of outcome reports
- Support for reporting and compliance requirements
- Developing convening events focused on education opportunities for issues and responsibilities common to community organizations
Some funding mechanisms, such as large-scale community grants ($500,000 or more), require an academic partner. Community grant applicants looking for academic partners can draw on a wide field of potential partners through the various schools, centers, institutes and offices at the 13 Universities of Wisconsin, or from other academic institutions. The Wisconsin Partnership Program provides information to support grantees in finding an academic partner.
Other Resources and Programs
- Finding an academic partner
- Additional funding opportunities and collaborators
- Wisconsin County Health Rankings from the UW Population Health Institute
- County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
- 2021 Wisconsin Population Health and Equity Report Card from the UW Population Health Institute (PDF)
- What Works for Health
- REACH Program