Wisconsin Partnership Program seeks applicants for 2022 Community Impact Grant Program

April 28, 2022

The Wisconsin Partnership Program at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health has released its 2022 Community Impact Grants Program Request for Partnerships.

Through the Community Impact Grant Program, the Wisconsin Partnership Program advances health equity in Wisconsin by supporting community-academic partnership initiatives that address the social determinants of health and root causes of health inequities and are informed and implemented by communities most affected by them.

The Wisconsin Partnership Program’s Oversight and Advisory Committee will allocate up to $3 million in Community Impact Grant awards. Each award is for a maximum of $500,000 over a period of three years. Awardees from this funding cycle are eligible to apply for one three-year renewal for an additional $500,000 at the end of their initial award, for a total award of up to $1 million over six years. Renewals are competitive, and as part of the renewal application, awardees must demonstrate success in achieving progress on the primary activities outlined in the original proposal. Letters of intent are due May 27, 2022.

Since 2015, the Wisconsin Partnership Program has provided more than $31 million in Community Impact Grants to support community-academic partnerships across a wide range of health initiatives, communities and geographic areas.

“Through this funding opportunity, the Wisconsin Partnership Program is pleased to support community organizations that are driving innovative solutions to a diverse array of health challenges,” said Amy Kind, MD, PhD, associate dean for social health sciences and programs at the School of Medicine and Public Health and executive director of the Wisconsin Partnership Program. “We look forward to reaching communities and partners across the state and providing robust support for new ideas and approaches for improving heath and advancing health equity.”

Learn more about the Wisconsin Partnership Program Community Impact Grant Program and view the 2022 request for partnerships.

The Wisconsin Partnership Program is a permanent endowment at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, committed to improving health and advancing health equity through investments in community partnerships, education and research. It was established in 2004 through an unprecedented gift as part of the conversion of Blue Cross and Blue Shield United of Wisconsin to a stock insurance corporation. To date, the Wisconsin Partnership Program has awarded more than 580 grants for $272 million to advance biomedical and population health research, promote health care and public health workforce development, and support community partnerships to improve health and advance health equity.