2021-22 Annual Report: Moving Health Forward

This year’s annual report highlights how the Wisconsin Partnership Program is moving health forward through a wide range of projects and partnerships that are working to improve health and advance health equity across the state.

2021-22 WPP Annual Report CoverThe annual report provides an account of grantmaking, program activities, and a financial overview for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

The Wisconsin Partnership Program advances its mission to improve health and advance health equity through a strong portfolio of grant programs that propel medical research, enhance health education and workforce development, support community health partnerships, advance health equity and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During fiscal year 2021–22, the Wisconsin Partnership Program awarded 41 new grants, supporting in total 124 active projects and initiatives.

This year’s annual report highlights how the Wisconsin Partnership Program is moving health forward through a wide range of projects and partnerships that are working to improve health and advance health equity across the state

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Fiscal Year 2021-22 Grants


Grants Awarded


Dollars Awarded


Total Active Grants

Dean Golden's Message

Robert N. Golden Robert N. Golden, Dean, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

It is my pleasure to present the Wisconsin Partnership Program’s annual report for fiscal year 2021–2022. The UW School of Medicine and Public Health is proud to serve as the home to the Wisconsin Partnership Program. Established through a gift resulting from Blue Cross Blue Shield United of Wisconsin’s conversion from a nonprofit organization to a for-profit corporation, the Wisconsin Partnership Program endowment has provided an unprecedented opportunity to improve health and advance health equity throughout our state.

This year, we welcomed Amy Kind, MD, PhD, associate dean for social health sciences and programs and professor of medicine at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health as the Partnership Program’s executive director. She follows Eileen Smith, founding director, who retired after nearly 20 years of outstanding leadership and dedicated service to the Wisconsin Partnership Program. Dr. Kind has served on the Wisconsin Partnership Program’s governance committees since 2018. She is the director of the UW Center for Health Disparities Research and an international leader in the fields of social determinants, health equity, and brain health disparities research. Her rigorous research expertise and commitment to health equity will greatly inform and guide the work of the Wisconsin Partnership Program.

Since it began making grants in 2004, the Wisconsin Partnership Program has remained a steadfast partner to researchers, health care providers, educators, and community organizations who are working tirelessly to improve the health of Wisconsin’s people and communities. To date, this has resulted in 591 grants for a diverse array of initiatives whose impact extends to the corners of our state and beyond—a true embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea. Through these investments and partnerships, the Wisconsin Partnership Program is driving research and discovery, enhancing education, tackling health inequities, responding to a pandemic, and supporting solutions to complex health challenges. The advancements and interventions resulting from this work will benefit the people of Wisconsin now and for years to come.

This annual report highlights several partnerships that span a broad range of health issues, geographic areas, communities, and populations. Our state is stronger and our communities are healthier as a result of these powerful collaborations. The Wisconsin Partnership Program remains dedicated to advancing the Wisconsin Idea in a way that allows everyone in our state to live full and healthy lives.


Robert N. Golden, MD
Robert Turell Professor in Medical Leadership
Dean, UW School of Medicine and Public Health
Vice Chancellor of Medical Affairs
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Dr. Amy Kind’s Message

Amy KindThank you for your ongoing support and interest in the critical work that the Wisconsin Partnership Program and its partners are undertaking to improve the health and well-being of the people of Wisconsin. As we continue to navigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and address the health disparities facing communities across the state, the Wisconsin Partnership Program’s work remains more important than ever.

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and Wisconsin Partnership Program share a vision of improving health and advancing health equity for all. We are working with partners within the university and in communities throughout the state to develop new opportunities for innovation and collaboration—through investments in basic science, clinical and translational research, education, and community partnerships—that will bring us closer to realizing this vision.

The Wisconsin Partnership Program also recognizes that fully achieving this vision will take the commitment and work of many collaborations across many sectors. As such, we look forward to future opportunities to convene a broad range of partners and stakeholders as we explore new ideas, interventions, and impactful solutions for addressing the persistent health challenges facing our state. This year I was honored to assume the role of Executive Director of the Wisconsin Partnership

Program and build upon its legacy of impact and success. As both a medical doctor specialized in the treatment of memory disorders and a clinical researcher with expertise in neighborhood disadvantage, social determinants, and brain health, I have dedicated my career to better understanding and eliminating health disparities. I look forward to partnering with the many collaborators and stakeholders who are striving to ensure that our shared vision of improved health and advanced health equity reaches every corner of Wisconsin. Together, we will create pathways that move health forward.

Fiscal Year 2022 Grants Awarded

Education and Research Grant Programs

Community Grant Programs 


The Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP) works continuously to enhance its evaluation strategies. These efforts allow the WPP to better understand the broad impact of its funding while simultaneously empowering grantees to understand how their work influences individual, community, and population health throughout Wisconsin. During this past year, the Wisconsin Partnership Program initiated several new evaluation activities and enhancements, including:

  • Refining procedures for collecting data
  • Building the evaluation capacity of grantees
  • Designing a roadmap for future evaluation efforts

Evaluation Planning

The Wisconsin Partnership Program has created a new roadmap for evaluating its impact as a community grants funder. Developed with input from a wide variety of WPP stakeholders, this evaluation plan is the culmination of more than two years of work and generates a wide range of data. The Wisconsin Partnership Program will use seven primary methods of data collection to answer evaluation questions including:

  • Data collected by WPP staff from grantee applications
  • Assessments conducted on WPP-led trainings and workshops
  • Grantee surveys designed to understand WPP interactions with grantees as well as gauge long-term impacts of WPP funding support
  • Standardized grantee reporting included i n annual progress reports
  • WPP internal staff interviews and focus groups
  • Grantee interviews and focus groups
  • Community stakeholder interviews and secondary sources such as local, county, and state level public health data

Evaluation Capacity Building

One of the primary goals of the current Wisconsin Partnership Program five-year plan is to build community organization (grantee) capacity and leadership. Over the last year, evaluation staff have implemented tailored programming and evaluation support that enables grantees to cultivate and build capacity within evaluation-specific skills and operations. WPP staff led evaluation learning sessions, held open office hours for community grantees, conducted evaluation needs assessments for all new Maternal and Child Health Program grantees, and provided ad hoc evaluation and application support when requested. Grantees will use the knowledge gained to evaluate their own programs more effectively, which will in turn be beneficial for future funding applications, disseminating best practices, and efforts to grow their work within the state of Wisconsin.

Outcome Highlights

Grantees continue to demonstrate success and impact across a wide variety of domains. The Wisconsin Partnership Program publishes outcome reports of grants that concluded during the fiscal year. These reports highlight achievements, progress toward health improvement, knowledge gained, and impact. They can be found on our Funded Projects page.


Articles, presentations, and other media sharing the findings of WPP projects


Leveraged in funding derived from WPP-funded projects


Unique collaborations funded by WPP grants

*Data from July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 

Financial Overview

These financial reports consolidate activities of the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association and the School of Medicine and Public Health for the fiscal year ending June 2022 and June 2021.

Net Assets
Type Description Year Ending June 30, 2022 Year Ending June 30, 2021
Assets UW SMPH Cash -$1,327,208 -$1,427,585
Current Investments $15,923,705 $18,454,334
Noncurrent Investments $367,959,583 $432,483,727
Total Assets $382,556,080 $449,510,476
Liabilities OAC Grants Payable $21,624,902 $20,814,940
PERC Grants Payable $17,522,598 $16,065,329
Total Liabilities $39,147,500 $36,880,269
Net Assets Temporarily Restricted $59,792,313 $129,013,940
Permanently Restricted $283,616,267 $283,616,267
Total Net Assets $343,408,580 $412,630,207
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $382,556,080 $449,510,476
Revenues, Expenses, Changes in Net Assets
Type Description Year Ending June 30, 2022 Year Ending June 30, 2021
Revenues Gifts Received $ - $2,325
Interest Income $7,871 $23,990
Change in Fair Value of Endowed Funds -$46,039,073 $98,906,013
Total Revenues -$46,031,202 $98,932,328
Expenses WFAA Institutional Advancement Fee $4,336,524 $3,841,245
Less: WFAA IAF Rebate -$550,957 -$402,374
Administrative Expenses $1,344,483 $1,476,963
OAC Grant Expenses $6,727,502 $5,638,467
PERC Grant Expenses $11,332,873 $2,658,679
Total Expenses $23,190,425 $13,212,980
Increase/(Decrease) in Net Assets -$69,221,627 $85,719,348
Net Assets - Beginning of year $412,630,207 $326,910,859
Net Assets - End of year $343,408,580 $412,630,207
Grant Award Commitments FY 2022
Type Description Net Grant Awards(1) Inception to Date Disbursements Outstanding Grant Commitments
Public Health Initiatives Grants Awarded from Inception to FY2021 $93,896,708 $78,771,021 $15,125,687
FY2022 Awards $6,837,776 $338,561 $6,499,215
Subtotal $100,734,484 $79,109,582 $21,624,902
Medical Education and Research Initiatives Grants Awarded from Inception to FY2021 $161,086,411 $154,697,067 $6,389,344
FY2022 Awards $11,651,438 $518,184 $11,133,254
Subtotal $172,737,849 $155,215,251 $17,522,598
Total $273,472,333 $234,324,833 $39,147,500
Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Type Description FY2022 FY2021
Balance, July 1 -$1,427,585 -$1,545,561
Cash Receipts Payments received from the UW Foundation $17,238,003 $16,706,384
Total Receipts $17,238,003 $16,706,384
Cash Disbursements Public Health Initiatives $5,917,540 $6,358,053
Education and Research Initiatives $9,875,603 $8,753,392
Program Administration Salaries $803,029 $761,099
Fringe $278,274 $273,547
Travel $100 $139
Supplies and Services $64,773 $125,145
Consultants and Contracts $186,307 $305,033
Other Disbursements $12,000 $12,000
Total Program Administration $1,344,483 $1,476,963
Total Disbursements $17,137,626 $16,588,408
Increase (Decrease) In Balance $100,377 $117,976
Balance, June 30 -$1,327,208 -$1,427,585

Selected Grant Highlights

The work of the Wisconsin Partnership Program and its grantees touches all corners of the state, across a wide range of health challenges, communities, populations and geographic areas. Learn how Wisconsin Partnership Program grantees are positively impacting health and advancing health equity across our state through these selected examples.

Reporting Outcomes and Impact

The Wisconsin Partnership Program publishes outcome reports for concluded grants to highlight the progress, achievements and impact of our grant partners.

View our Funded Projects page for information about grants awarded in fiscal year 2021-2022active grants and outcome reports.