Community Collaboration Grant

Barbershop Health Initiative

Aaron Perry and the Rebalanced-Life Wellness Association (RLWA) kicked off their new Community Collaboration Grant: Black Men’s Wellness Sustainable Initiative, a four-year strategy that aims to reduce health disparities that adversely affect black men and boys in Dane County. The initiative builds upon the success of RLWA’s Men’s Health and Education Center, an innovative model that strives to improve health and reduce barriers to health care for black men.

Community Collaboration Grant

Harnessing the Power of Partnerships

The Foundation for Black Women's Wellness is working to eliminate the health disparities impacting Black women in Wisconsin, where Black birth disparities and racial health disparities are among the worst in the nation.

Community Collaboration Grant

Improving Health Outcomes for Black Women

The Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness is using a Community Collaboration Grant to support its mission to improve black women’s health and push for systemic changes in Dane County. The group is using its grant to establish a team of health workers in high need neighborhoods, as well as to develop a community health improvement model that will address the disparities that are contributing to poor health outcomes.