A message to our partners and faculty: Wisconsin Partnership Program’s response to COVID-19
To our community partners and to our university faculty, staff and stakeholders,
The Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP) recognizes that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented challenges in our daily lives, both professionally and personally.

We are taking steps to support our current grantees in this pandemic. We recognize that our grantees are experiencing unique challenges impacting their organizations and projects both operationally and financially. Please be assured that we are willing to work with all WPP grantees closely during this challenging time and will strive to be as flexible and responsive as possible. We will share more updates on this soon.
Additionally, we are moving quickly to directly respond to this pandemic and to its health impacts on Wisconsin during this unprecedented time. First, we are developing two rapid response initiatives that will target specific critical needs in addressing COVID-19.
Second, we are finalizing the details of a new Request for Proposal (RfP) that will support innovative, high impact strategies to address the health challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic is presenting. These efforts will harness the knowledge, experience and potential of our partners both on campus and across Wisconsin communities to support responses to COVID-19. Please watch for details on the release of the Response to COVID-19 RfP.
Our staff is working remotely and continues to be available to answer questions or provide guidance to grantees and others. If you have general inquiries, please send them to wpp@hslc.wisc.edu and we will direct them to the appropriate staff member.
Thank you for your partnership and your commitment to the health of the people of our state. We will be in touch again shortly.
Amy Kind, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Chair, WPP Oversight and Advisory Committee
Richard Moss, PhD
Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology and Graduate Studies
Chair, WPP Partnership Education and Research Committee
Eileen Smith
Assistant Dean and Director
Wisconsin Partnership Program