Wisconsin Partnership Program announces new 20th anniversary Postdoctoral Grant Program

June 12, 2024

The Wisconsin Partnership Program  is celebrating its 20th anniversary and is offering career development grants to enhance and expand postdoctoral research, education and professional development at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

Wisconsin Partnership Program 20 years sealThe Postdoctoral Grant Program is designed to support the professional development of UW School of Medicine and Public Health postdoctoral trainees, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows and research associates.

Under the guidance of their supervising mentor, who serves as principal investigator, grants will support postdocs as they conduct a research or education project or pursue a professional development opportunity to advance their career with a focus on improving health, health care or advancing health equity in Wisconsin and beyond.

Grant awards are up to $20,000 for up to one year. The funding request should be limited to a single project or skill, learning or training activity and reflect the scope and scale of the proposal.

Applicants must be a postdoctoral trainee, postdoctoral fellow, clinical fellow, or research associate with a 75 percent or higher protected time research appointment in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health and a minimum of 12 consecutive months remaining in their postdoc position concurrent to the period of funding.

The postdoc’s supervising mentor serves as principal investigator (PI) on the grant. The PI must have a salaried appointment of at least 50 percent as professor, associate professor or assistant professor in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. Grant awards to a postdoc will be managed through the PI’s (supervising mentor) department.

Proposals are due July 10, 2024. 5 p.m. CDT.

To view the 20th Postdoctoral Grant Program request for proposals, eligibility requirements and deadlines, visit the WPP Faculty Grants webpage. Please contact WPP program officer Kattia Jimenez at kjimenez@wisc.edu with questions about the grant program.

The Wisconsin Partnership Program is a grantmaking program within the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health committed to improving health and advancing health equity through investments in community partnerships, education and research initiatives.