Review of Grantee Annual and Final Reports Procedure

Last updated: February 28, 2025


The Memorandum of Understanding and Grant Agreement between the grant recipient and the Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP) requires annual progress reports throughout the period of agreement (i.e., grant period) and a final report at the end of the project. Written annual progress reports are typically due no later than thirty days after the end of each twelve-month period based on the start date of the agreement. A final report is typically due no later than ninety days after the end of the project.


Annual progress report: Provides written documentation from the grantee on the current status of the grant, referencing progress toward the specific goals and objectives, with a focus on accomplishments to-date and lessons learned.

Final report: Provides written documentation from the grantee on the work completed during the grant period and the outcomes and accomplishments with reference to the specific goals and objectives.


Annual progress and final reports undergo a technical review by the Wisconsin Partnership Program Finance and Operations Teams to ensure submission requirements have been met.

Annual progress and final reports undergo a content review by the lead Program Officer. If there are questions or concerns raised by the Program Officer and/or the Finance Associate Director, during their review of the financial information, the report is reviewed by the WPP Administrative Leadership Team (Executive Director, Executive Administrative Director, Administrative Director, Associate Directors for Finance and Operations). The Administrative Leadership Team may consult with content expert advisors. Decisions by the Program Officer or by the Administrative Leadership Team to accept the report as submitted, to request additional information or revisions from the grant recipient, or to not accept the report are final and may not be appealed.

WPP will adhere to its Non-Compliance Policy for overdue, incomplete, or inaccurate reports.

Grant recipients who are notified by WPP that a report has not been accepted may be subject to WPP’s Suspension and Termination Policy.

Grant recipients will be asked to give one or two brief presentations to the respective committee, the Oversight and Advisory Committee (OAC) or the Partnership Education and Research Committee (PERC), or the WPP staff team on their funded project.