2019–2024 Five-Year Plan
The Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP) is pleased to present its 2019–2024 Five-Year Plan, the fourth five-year plan since the Wisconsin Partnership Program began making grants in 2004.
The plan and framework were informed by a broad and diverse group of stakeholders and were approved by the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents in December 2018.
Guided by the vision, values, and framework of this plan, the Wisconsin Partnership Program is employing various strategies to improve health, advance health equity and achieve lasting improvements in health and well-being for the people of Wisconsin.
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Developing the Five-Year Plan
- November 2015
Joint Meeting of the WPP’s Oversight and Advisory Committee (OAC) and Partnership Education and Research Committee (PERC) to discuss health equity - September 2016
Advancing Health Equity Conference - January–February 2017
Literature review and associated research - November 2017–July 2018
Led by an external facilitator, an administrative strategic planning group of nine individuals studied, discussed and drafted mission, vision, value, goal, and strategy ideas and targets for the 2019-2024 Five-Year Plan (membership included the Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate School, four ad hoc members representing UW Health, the Marshfield Center for Community Outreach, the Institute for Research on Poverty and the UW Center for Milwaukee Community Engagement and Health Partnerships and representatives from PERC and OAC) - February–August 2018
In coordination with the administrative strategic planning group, OAC and PERC reviewed, discussed and provided input and comments on the draft Five-Year Plan as it evolved
- March–May 2018
WPP disseminated a survey to 3,000 residents statewide. Survey recipients included applicants and grantees (from the past 13 years), faculty and staff from all UW System schools and UW Extension, and nonprofit stakeholder organizations including the Wisconsin Public Health Association - March–May 2018
Ten key informants with expertise in community/public health interventions, medical and public health education and research from across the state provided detailed input regarding strategic alignment with goals - September 2018
The draft 2019-2024 Five-Year Plan was disseminated broadly for public comment and was posted online for two weeks - October 2018
The draft 2019-2024 Five-Year Plan was approved by OAC and PERC for presentation to the UW System Board of Regents in December, 2018